ALC Supported Living

Aspirational Led Care

About ALC Supported Living

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Our Mission

To provide aspirational led care and support services to enable people to live healthier fulfilling lives.

Our Vision

To be the leading provider of top-class, person-centred care and support services.

Our Values

✓ Learning – We thrive to learn and develop ourselves. When things go wrong, we learn from our mistakes to avoid the same pitfall.
Compassion – We are a caring team, committed in caring for the people we support and for each other.
Respect – We respect the all individuals, ensuring we listen and support them to achieve their personal aspirations.
Confidentiality – We protect personal information and only share specific private information on a need-to-know basis.
Person-Centred – We believe each person is unique and we ensure we support them with their aspirations.
Leadership – Our strategies align with our vision and mission. We constantly remind ourselves of where we want to be in the future and manage performance and risks to enable us to fulfil our vision.
Excellency – We underpin excellence in everything we do. We constantly seek to improve and raise the standard
Teamwork – We pull together as a team, celebrating diversity in skills and experience.
Recognition – We celebrate success and praise the people we support and our staff for positive outcomes.

Our Beliefs

We believe all individuals we support are unique and deserve aspirational led care and support.
We believe in the value of team work.
We believe that excellency is key and take pride in the services we provide.
We believe in that the world is a better place if humanity is upheld. We care, respect and express compassion to all individuals we support and work with regardless of their individual or protected characteristic.